How Do I Know Invisalign Is Working?

How Do I Know Invisalign Is Working?

Invisalign is a convenient and effective method of fixing crooked teeth and aligning your smile. It works gradually over a period of months, but you’ll notice it working through the mild pain and discomfort it may cause from time to time. While you can’t see it working in real time, you will notice the difference within the first few months.

At Dentistry in Canterbury, we offer the best Invisalign Melbourne-wide thanks to our team of expert practitioners who specialise in cosmetic dentistry. For any queries relating to the Invisalign process, including can you drink alcohol with Invisalign, we’ll be happy to help.

In the meantime, for more information on how you know your Invisalign treatment is working, check out our helpful guide below.


How quickly does Invisalign move teeth?

That depends on multiple factors, including the severity of your case, your age, and how disciplined you are. A typical Invisalign treatment can last between 6-12 months, but it’s fairly common for the process to last 18, even 24 months. You’ll start to notice your teeth moving in the first weeks, and most movement happens within the first few months.

If you’re looking for information on how to speed up the Invisalign process, check out our article using the link provided. In short, you just need to take good care of your aligners and teeth, and follow the advice of your dentist.


How to tell if Invisalign is tracking correctly

Your Invisalign retainers need to fit snugly but firmly around your teeth. This type of ideal fit is called tracking, and many patients often want to know how to make sure their Invisalign is tracking correctly.

If you notice large gaps between your teeth and your aligners, it’s highly likely that your Invisalign retainers aren’t tracking properly. This can be due to a variety of reasons, including not wearing your aligners often, the need for new trays, and poor quality dentistry.


What to do if your Invisalign isn’t tracking

If your Invisalign isn’t tracking, consult with your dentist to see what the problem is. On the other hand, self-diagnosing the problem is also possible. If you know you’re not wearing your retainers for the full 22 hours a day, you’ll need to wear your previous aligners to ensure your current trays track correctly.

Additionally, check for damage to your Invisalign trays. Trauma, washing with hot water, and teeth grinding can all potentially warp your retainer out of shape. If this is the case, speak to your dentist about getting new trays.

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