
Can You Drink With Invisalign?

Can You Drink With Invisalign?

There are often many questions patients have when considering Invisalign, particularly related to diet and lifestyle. In terms of drinking, dentists recommend taking your aligners out when consuming anything other than water. At Dentistry in Canterbury, our Invisalign treatment Melbourne service is one of the best available. Our friendly team of highly trained dentists are

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How Do I Know Invisalign Is Working?

How Do I Know Invisalign Is Working?

Invisalign is a convenient and effective method of fixing crooked teeth and aligning your smile. It works gradually over a period of months, but you’ll notice it working through the mild pain and discomfort it may cause from time to time. While you can’t see it working in real time, you will notice the difference

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Is There Any Way to Speed Up the Invisalign Process?

Is There Any Way to Speed Up the Invisalign Process?

It’s not uncommon for a patient to be impatient. Dentists and doctors know all too well that treatment takes its time to show results, but many people want quick-working solutions in the here and now.  Invisalign is one such treatment that takes time to work, meaning some commitment is required from the patient. Often, though,

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How Long is The Average Invisalign Treatment?

How Long is The Average Invisalign Treatment?

If you’re looking for a more convenient way to align your teeth and improve your smile, Invisalign can help. Invisible aligners are placed over your teeth which work over time to give you a more natural, confident smile. The average Invisalign treatment lasts for around 10-18 months. This varies from person to person, and it’s

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Can You Quit Invisalign Early?

Can You Quit Invisalign Early?

There are a number of reasons as to why you might want to end your Invisalign treatment early. For instance, if your Invisalign braces are causing you too much pain, or if it’s all not what you’d anticipated it being. Perhaps you’re simply just unhappy with your treatment. If this is the case, always arrange

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Do Teeth Stay Straight After Invisalign?

Do Teeth Stay Straight After Invisalign?

Your teeth are much more resilient than you might think. They’ll naturally find the most comfortable positions, even if that means not perfectly aligning themselves with others. As such, many people opt for Invisalign – a dental treatment that aligns your teeth, straightening crooked ones and closing any gaps. Here at Dentistry in Canterbury, our

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Do You Sleep With Invisalign?

Do You Sleep With Invisalign?

Invisalign is a convenient and generally pleasant teeth alignment treatment. At Dentistry in Canterbury, we are proud to offer the best Invisalign Melbourne service in the area, courtesy of our highly skilled team of dentists and their expertise in cosmetic dentistry. If you’re considering Invisalign, you’ll naturally have several questions, including “how long can I

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How many times a day can you take invisalign out?

How Many Times a Day Can You Take Invisalign Out?

The Invisalign process is a highly effective, less invasive dental procedure that fixes crooked teeth and closes gaps to give you a more aesthetic smile. Your dentist will walk you through the whole process and fill you in on everything you need to know about the treatment. One question you might have relates to how

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Can I leave my invisalign out for the day?

Can I Leave My Invisalign Out For The Day?

Invisalign treatment is a lengthy process, but it’s worth it for the tremendous results it produces. Invisalign wearers get a lot more freedom than those with braces, but this also means there’s a lot more responsibility in making sure you’re wearing them. If you’re thinking, “how many times a day can I remove my aligners”,

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How long do you wear Invisalign for?

How long do you wear Invisalign for?

For most people, Invisalign treatment lasts for around 9 to 18 months. For the lucky few, it can last as little as 6 months, but for others, it may take up to 24 months. It all depends on several factors, such as the state of your teeth before treatment. Most people will go through around

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